Child Labour Policy

Child Labour Policy

Three Mountains Cocoa Co-Operative Union, Three Mountains Cocoa Ltd and Ensemble-Mazi Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Organization") is committed to ensuring the protection and welfare of children involved in the cocoa production process on its farms the Asante Akim South region, in Ghana, in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Target 8.7, which aims to eradicate child labour by 2025. This Child Labour Policy (hereinafter referred to as "the Policy") aims to prevent and address the issue of child labour in the Organization's cocoa farming operations in compliance with Ghanaian law, international labour standards, and the best interests of the children.

The objectives of the Policy are to:

  • Contribute to the elimination of child labour and its root causes in cocoa production.
  • Prevent the use of child labour in the Organization's cocoa farming operations.
  • Improve the prospects of youth in cocoa-producing areas.
  • Promote awareness and understanding of child labour issues among the Organization's employees, suppliers, communities, and other stakeholders.
  • Collaborate with local authorities, communities, and organizations to address the root causes of child labour in the cocoa sector, such as poverty and lack of access to education.

Planet:  Our Most Generous Resource

Three Mountains Cocoa are conscious of climate issues, and we pledge to work methodically towards minimising environmental impact, bolster sustainability, and comply — and exceed — all applicable environmental legislation and mandatory provisions.  To ensure we take care of the only planet, we are:

  • We are identifying and eliminating environmental risks by conducting systematic environmental impact assessments.
  • We are upholding sustainable use of resources and promoting reuse and recycling practices by applying the principles of the Circular Economy.
  • We’re conserving biodiversity by implementing the best land management practices.
  • We protect natural ecosystems by mapping all farms and providing hands-on guidance to all farmers.
  • We stand against deforestation caused by cocoa production and prove our commitment by obtaining external certification from the Rainforest Alliance.
  • The environmental objective of Three Mountains Cocoa is to create a sustainable and disciplined certified-organic cocoa production which will naturally minimise adverse impacts on the planet and human health.

The Organization will comply with all applicable Ghanaian laws and regulations, as well as international labour standards, related to child labour, including the minimum age for employment and the prohibition of hazardous work for children. We seek to implement a robust age verification system to ensure that no child is forced to labour on our cocoa farms. This system will include collecting and verifying age-related documents and maintaining accurate farmers' records. If child labour is identified, the Organization will implement appropriate remediation measures, such as providing support for the child's education, alternative income generation opportunities for the family, and reintegration services. Our first priority is to secure that the work assigned to young workers is safe, age-appropriate, and does not interfere with their education, health, or well-being. We recognize that young workers who have reached a certain age may be supporting their families in cocoa farming operations. The Organization will support the educational needs of children in cocoa farming communities by collaborating with local authorities and organizations to promote access to quality education. At the same time, we will also provide training to its employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders on the prevention of child labour and the protection of children's rights.

The Organization will establish an internal coordinating body responsible for the implementation and coordination of the Policy. This body will consist of representatives from the Organization itself but also from the respective communities. We seek to allocate resources for the implementation of this Policy, including funding for education and training initiatives, monitoring and remediation measures, and stakeholder engagement and collaboration.

The Organization will communicate its commitment to this Policy to its employees, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders and will also report on its progress on a regular basis. Our ultimate goal is to participate in and support collaborative initiatives aimed at eradicating child labour in the cocoa supply chain.


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