- The best product comes from the greatest people. At Three Mountains Cocoa, we may produce world class organic cocoa, but we cultivate community and family, because without good people, there can never be good cocoa.
Support of People and Communities
At Three Mountains Cocoa, we all work to cultivate a brighter future for our communities. We deeply value the farmers who grow our cocoa and support them entirely as they strive to improve their lives and uphold the sustainability principles Three Mountains Coca is founded upon.
We strive to create a safe and just working environment that promotes diversity, inclusivity, and equality. Through initiatives such as Fairtrade certification, we aim to increase incomes for farmers and provide them with improved opportunities to work, grow, and live.
We are particularly focused on empowering women in cocoa farming and preserving the cultural heritage of our communities. We actively address child labour by investing in education and promoting awareness about the dangers of exposing children to harmful farming equipment and pesticides.
By supporting our people and fostering an environment where everyone has access to the necessary resources, training, and opportunities for personal and societal upliftment, Three Mountains Cocoa is building a foundation for lasting change that starts at the roots.
- 2,271 Farmers included in our initiative
- 5,136 People in total are directly and indirectly positively affected by our operations
- 639 (28%) Farmers are women
- 99% Average increase expected in the farmer’s income
- 28,000 Hours of training in 2023
- 0 Νumber of reports for Human Rights violations in 2023
- 0 Ιncidents of violations involving the rights of indigenous people in 2023
- 5 Αccidents in 2023*
- * Three of the farmers incurred injuries as a result of falling tree branches within the farms, while another two farmers suffered eye injuries during the harvesting of cocoa pods. All of the injuries were of a minor nature, and the farmers made a complete recovery.